Reducing Emissions Requires Credible Solutions
Join the Climate Registry Today
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Member Levels
Memberships are based on your organization’s revenue or operating budget. The Climate Registry offers Essential, Advanced, and Premium membership levels, allowing your organization to choose the level of support and engagement that best aligns with your goals and commitments.
*All TCR Membership Levels develop comprehensive reports that can be 3rd Party verified. TCR has a list of TCR-approved verifiers that members can contact and work with to verify their GHG inventory in CRIS.
Member Benefits
Network of Climate Leaders
See case TCR’s diverse members have the opportunity to partner and collaborate to share ideas, elevate and catalyze climate action and ambition.
Educational Resources and Training
Exclusive member-only webinars, calls, and custom advisory services that provide tools, resources, guidelines, and protocols to advance our members efforts on reporting GHG emissions
Technical and Advisory Services
Providing expertise and support to organizations reporting GHG inventory data, including the design and implementation of GHG tracking and monitoring systems, accreditation training, and advisory on target setting and mitigation pathways
Special Event Access
Priority access and discounts to special events such as the Climate Leadership Conference, Climatini, and other partner events
What Our Members Say
Alpek Polyester
“Recognition, credibility of our inventories…everytime customers, or any stakeholders in general, ask us if you measure your GHG inventories and if you verify them, it’s really good to say yes we get verified by The Climate Registry.” – Legmis Diaz, Sustanability
Resource Innovations
“There’s a lot of tools and resources available that can help me check myself as I’m going through making sure I’m understanding, taking the right steps, and putting in the correct information.” – Anna-Elise Smith, Advisory Services Lead