Alpek Polyester USA, LLC

At Alpek Polyester, we are proud of our past, excited about the present and preparing for the future. Our story is one of growth and leveraging opportunities through strategic acquisitions, joint ventures, and expansions. More importantly, our story is about improving people’s lives through our products, innovations, and a commitment to sustainability and protecting the environment.

Alpek Polyester is the largest producer & recycler of PET Resins in the Americas & the 2nd largest PET producer globally. With an installed PET capacity of over 6 billion lbs / year, we recycle over 12 billion bottles / year across our 18 locations in 8 countries with over 3,400 employees.


Years of Climate Registered Recognition:

2008-2016 Climate Registered
2017 Climate Registered Gold
2018 Climate Registered Gold
2019 Climate Registered Gold
2020 Climate Registered Platinum

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Alpek Polyester USA, LLC

Current Climate Registered Status