
Verification ensures that our members’ GHG inventories are accurate and complete and that data reported to TCR is consistent and transparent. It lends credibility to its program and provides assurance that the publicly available emissions reports represent a faithful, true, and fair account of GHG emissions.

Newest Resources:

General Verification Protocol 3.0 (March 2024)

Blog Post – Credible Carbon Reporting: The Importance of Verification


General Verification Protocol

The Climate Registry’s General Verification Protocol (GVP) presents the verification requirements for TCR’s voluntary and compliance GHG emissions reporting program. TCR developed the GVP to provide TCR-recognized verification bodies with clear instructions for executing a standardized approach to the independent verification of annual GHG emissions reported to TCR. The GVP is available publicly, below; TCR members please log in to access full members-only guidance.


In order to attain accreditation, verification bodies must complete a rigorous assessment process in which they demonstrate independence, impartiality and competence to successfully verify GHG emission inventories. TCR has partnered  with the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) to administer the accreditation of verification bodies for TCR’s voluntary and compliance GHG reporting program.

A list of ANSI-accredited, TCR-recognized verification bodies, as well as a list of verification bodies that are proceeding through ANSI’s GHG Accreditation Program, may be found below. 

Public Resources

General Verification Protocol v. 3.0 (March 2024)

Updates and Clarifications to General Verification Protocol v. 2.1 (October 2019)

General Verification Protocol v. 2.1 (June 2014)

Guidance on Accreditation (May 2008)

TCR-Recognized Verification Bodies

Applicant Verification Bodies

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