What is the Water-Energy Nexus?


The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) is the critical interconnection between water and energy systems—two resources essential to our daily lives. At each stage of the water supply system—from purification to pumping and delivery—energy is consumed, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are released.

Despite its critical impact, the water-energy dynamic often flies under the radar. That’s why The Climate Registry (TCR), in collaboration with CalEPA, launched the WEN Registry, empowering California’s water and wastewater agencies to measure, track, and mitigate their water-related emissions.

Join the WEN Registry

Water-Energy Nexus Registry

The WEN Registry is a voluntary statewide GHG and water reporting program that provides participants with standardized accounting guidance enabling them to measure, track, and mitigate their GHG emissions associated with California’s water and energy systems. Participants can measure, track, and report their carbon footprints and report volumes of water associated with the annual extraction, consumption, delivery, storage, and/or treatment of water.

Why Join the WEN Registry?

1. Empower your organization with water-related emissions data of your organization’s operations to make informed decisions about cost-effective GHG solutions

2. Live help desk with a GHG emissions experts to help guide you through the reporting process 

3. Develop sustainability goals and climate action plans with accurate baseline data

4. Identify opportunities and reduce emissions by understanding the critical interconnection between water, energy, and your organization’s carbon footprint

5. Be recognized as a Water-Energy™ Leader for your organization’s efforts and commitment to sustainability and a low carbon footprint

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Water-Energy Nexus Registry Protocol

The Water-Energy Nexus Registry includes a reporting protocol, the WEN Registry Protocol, and was developed with substantial input from stakeholders in the water sector. The WEN Registry Protocol is to be used in conjunction with The Climate Registry’s General Reporting Protocol and contains supplemental guidance for WEN Registry participants:

  • Quantifying emissions from sources specific to the water sector
  • Compiling water-related data and water sector performance metrics (e.g. metric tons GHG/AF of water)
  • Help identify opportunities for GHG emissions reduction and track the impact of emissions reduction over time
  • Reporting, verifying, and disclosing an inventory in the WEN Registry

Want to gain access to these services and more?

Become a member today to join the premier community of North American climate leaders. Access our comprehensive range of tools and services, including reporting guidance, trainings and resources, personal reporting support through our help desk, member events and webinars, the Climate Registered™ recognition program, and our proprietary reporting software.

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Water-Energy Nexus Registry Protocol

Water-Energy GHG Metrics: Guidance for Water Managers in Southern California

Water-Energy Nexus Metrics

Water-Energy Nexus Registry FAQs

WEN Program Overview

Water-Energy Leader Program

Frequently Asked Questions

The WEN Registry is a statewide GHG reporting program and tool for water agencies and larger water users. Participants will measure, report, and track their carbon footprints, as well as report water totals detailing their annual extraction, consumption, delivery, storage, and/or treatment of water.

Data developed in the Registry will enable the measurement of the emissions intensity (e.g., metric tons GHG/AF of water) of specific aspects of California’s water use cycle, help identify additional opportunities for GHG emission reductions, and track the impact of those actions over time.

California has established a statewide GHG reduction target of 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2030. In the state’s 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan, the water sector is identified as key to achieving its reduction goals. While the state recognizes that most of the energy associated with managing our water occurs during its consumption, it also takes a lot of energy to get water to our taps or to move it away after it goes down our drains. This energy significantly contributes to the state’s carbon footprint.

The WEN Registry will provide a better understanding of the emissions associated with each process in water management and use. This will help water agencies and businesses in California make their operations more efficient, reduce their GHG emissions and contribute to the state’s 2030 targets.

The WEN Registry is a voluntary program open to all entities doing business in California.

Participants will be able to use the WEN Registry reporting tool, as well as receive guidance in GHG benchmarking, goal setting, and achieving measurable reduction at no cost.

Existing California-focused water-energy tools and resources either (1) estimate the energy or GHG emissions savings of specific operations and end uses; (2) track water, energy, and/or cost savings resulting from water conservation or efficiency projects, or (3) provide methods to estimate the annual energy intensity of water management operations, or the energy intensity of delivered water.

None of these resources comprehensively helps businesses or water agencies measure the emissions that result from specific water operations or an entire carbon footprint. The team developing the WEN Registry drew from these existing resources when defining GHG reporting best practices. They also consulted with stakeholders in California during key points in the development process.

The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has awarded TCR the contract for the Water-Energy Nexus Registry. TCR designed and is administering the program, which includes developing and implementing the guidance, reporting tool, and training.

If your organization is already a TCR member, located in California, and would like to participate in the WEN Registry, you will receive access to the calculation tools and resources as part of your ongoing membership with TCR.